Keep in mind that we are still building things, so the docs could be totally wrong or incomplete.

The idea with graphics is that everything is an "image" and the screen is image 0.
You can draw any image on another image, and you can draw shapes & gradients on images.

Here are some examples:

Source: draw (opens in a new tab) | fonts (opens in a new tab)

The null0 zip-file looks like this:

├── assets
│ └── logo.png
└── main.wasm

Our docs aren't really ready, but we're working on it.

Here is the nim signatures for now:

# create a new image
proc create_image(width: uint32, height:uint32): uint32
# load an image from file inside the cart
proc load_image(filename: string): uint32
# load a BM font from file inside the cart (image with seperator color)
proc load_font_bm(filename: string, chars: string): uint32
# load a TTY font from file inside the cart (fixed-width image)
proc load_font_tty(filename: string, glyphWidth: int, glyphHeight: int, chars: string): uint32
# load a TTF font from file inside the cart
proc load_font_ttf(filename: string, fontSize: int, fontColor: Color): uint32
# clear screen
proc clear_background(color: Color)
# draw a circle on screen
proc draw_circle(centerX: int, centerY: int, radius:int, color: Color)
# draw a pixel on screen
proc draw_pixel(x: int, y: int, color: Color)
# draw a line on screen
proc draw_line(startPosX: int, startPosY: int, endPosX: int, endPosY: int, color: Color)
# draw a rectangle on screen
proc draw_rectangle(posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, color: Color)
# draw a round-rectangle on screen
proc draw_round_rectangle(posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, radius: int, color: Color)
# draw an elipse on screen
proc draw_ellipse(posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, radiusX:int, radiusY:int, color: Color)
# draw an image on screen
proc draw_image(src: uint32, posX: int, posY: int)
# draw text on screen
proc draw_text(font: uint32, text: string, posX: int, posY: int)
# fill screen with a vertical gradient
proc gradient_vertical(width: int, height: int, top: Color, bottom: Color)
# fill screen with a horizontal gradient
proc gradient_horizontal(width: int, height: int, left: Color, right: Color)

In languages that can use overloads, like nim, you can also set first param to destination for an image, and 0 is "screen" in all things that use an image. This means that you can copy a part of the screen to an image, or draw on an image, instead of the screen.

In C, and other languages that do not do overloads, you can add _on_image to the end of the name, like this:

# clear image
proc clear_background_on_image(destination: uint32, color: Color)
# draw a circle on image
proc draw_circle_on_image(destination: uint32, centerX: int, centerY: int, radius:int, color: Color)
# draw a pixel on image
proc draw_pixel_on_image(destination: uint32, x: int, y: int, color: Color)
# draw a line on image
proc draw_line_on_image(destination: uint32, startPosX: int, startPosY: int, endPosX: int, endPosY: int, color: Color)
# draw a rectangle on image
proc draw_rectangle_on_image(destination: uint32, posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, color: Color)
# draw a round-rectangle on image
proc draw_round_rectangle_on_image(destination: uint32, posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, radius: int, color: Color)
# draw an elipse on image
proc draw_ellipse_on_image(destination: uint32, posX: int, posY: int, width: int, height: int, radiusX:int, radiusY:int, color: Color)
# draw an image on image
proc draw_image_on_image(destination: uint32, src: uint32, posX: int, posY: int)
# draw text on image
proc draw_text_on_image(destination: uint32, font: uint32, text: string, posX: int, posY: int)
# fill image with a vertical gradient
proc gradient_vertical_on_image(destination: uint32, width: int, height: int, top: Color, bottom: Color)
# fill image with a horizontal gradient
proc gradient_horizontal_on_image(destination: uint32, width: int, height: int, left: Color, right: Color)

You can also add _outline to all drawing-functions, to draw a 1-pixel outline instead of filling it.

# draw outlined circle on screen
proc draw_circle_outline(destination: uint32, centerX: int, centerY: int, radius:int, color: Color)
# draw outlined circle on image
proc draw_circle_outline_on_image(destination: uint32, centerX: int, centerY: int, radius:int, color: Color)